This was writen so that i could easyily make new weapons and outfits beacuse
(Sometimes the editors flail) if you dont understand somthing or know it is wrong send me and e-mail with ethier (you mesed up) or (help) in the subject to if i do not return your e-mail send it again until you get a response. I do not know if i will be expanding this if you use it and want somthing like this for all the resources tell me and i might do it.
I am making a plug-in about a secret pirate empire if you have ANY suggestions feel free to e-mail me. I also need some one with a 3D Graphixs/Rendering program to halp me with the graphix if you are intrested e-mail me. thanx
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MissionBit: The bit of the mission that must be set before you can buy this item.
Mass: The space ( In tons ) this thing takes up.
TechLevel: How advances a planet has to be before you can buy this there.
ModType: The Type of thing this is ( Described as a number)
Number to What that number is
go in Field
1: Weapon
2: Extra Cargo
3: Ammo
4: Extra Shields
5: Extra Shield Recharge
6: Extra Armor
8: Extra Engine
9: Extra Turning
10: Missile Jamer
11: Escape Pod
12: Extra Fuel
13: Density Scanner (What size is that ship?)
14: IFF Decoder (Identify Friend Or Foe)
15: AfferBurrner
16: Map
17: Cloak
18: Ram Scoop (Gets Free Fuel)
19: Auto Refueler
20: Auto Eject
21: Fake ID
ModVal: How much to change, number of (extra jumps, aditional cargo ect.)
IF IT IS A WEAPON OR AMMO : ModVal = id of the weapon it represents.
Max: The number of this item you can have: IF THIS NUMBER IS NOT BETWEEN 1-999 EV WILL FLAIL
Flags: This i dont get but hear is what it means
This is what is looks like: $0000
These numbers in the place of the last zero mean sertain things
4= Beam Weapon or Cloaking Devise or Tractor beam or forklift
im not exactly shure what this means i think it could have somthing
Cost: How many credits does this item cost
Reload: How the weapon shootes 30= 1 shot per second
the smaller the number the faster the shotes
Count: The weapons life, how long it lasts before it disapears: 30= 1 second of life
MassDmg: Damage when the ships armor is hit
EnrgyDmg: Damage when the ships shields are hit
If Shields Are Down: Damage = MassDmg + (EnergyDmg / 4)
If Shields Are Up: Damage = (MassDmg / 4) + EnergyDmg
Guidance: What type of weapon this is
-1: unguided
0: Beam
1: Dumb Homing (Torpedo)
2: Smart Homing (Missile)
3: Turreted Beam (Tractor Beam)
4: Tureted Cannon (Proton Turret)
5: Freefall Bomb/Decoy
6: Unguided Rocket
7: Front Turret
8: Rear Turret
99: Carried Ship
Speed: How Fast it Goes Missile= 875 the bigger the faster
Ammo Type: -1: Unlimited
-1???: Uses Fuel up, this should be -1 followed by the amount of fuel to use for example
-1001 =1 unit of fuel
-1002 = 2 units of fuel this is per second
1-? use this specific ammo type
For your first extra weapon this should be 23 adding one on each tyme
Graphic: Beams: -2= red
-3= green
-4= blue
-5= cyan
-6= magenta
-7= yellow
0= Magenta and Red
-9= Yellow and Green
-10= Cyan And Blue
Inaccuracy: How many degrees of this weapon CAN be
Sound: The sound to play when this weapon is fired, THIS IS THE LAST TWO DIGITS OF A SOUND RESOURCE starting with 200 200-216 and 223 are already used by ev
217-222 are available.
how hard the weapon rocks a ship
-1 no impact
1-and up this much impact 30= missile
ExplodeType: -1: no explosion
1: small explosion
2: medium expolsion
3: huge expolosion
ProxRadius: How Close it has to be before it explodes (in pixels) this is for bombs and things.
BlastRadius: How far the blast of the weapon spreads out (In Pixels)
MiscFlags: another flag thing $0000 the
0 1= Blast Doesent hurt
0 1= Sound Looped 2=Decoy 4= Weapons Fire Simultanously
0 0=pirmary triger 2= second triger 3=Spin Continuosly (?)
Spins control sprites: after you have made a weapon or an outfit you must make the sprites
SpritesID: The id number of a PICT in the PICT resource fork of your
MasksID: THe id number of the mask PICT (IF it a outfit picture (“ the picture that will be shown in the OUTFIT SHIP dialoge”) you must put -1 in this field
Xsize: the x (right to left) size of EACH sprite NOTE: if this is the outfit picture as above then ignore
Ysize: the y(up and Down) size of EACH sprite NOTE: if this is the outfit picture as above then ignore
and THe number of tiles up and down o the sprite (Usualy 6 by 6)
yTiles: NOTE: If it is the outfit picture the this is 1 by1